The Path is exceedingly vast. From ancient times to the present, even the greatest sages were unable to perceive and comprehend the entire truth; the explanation and teachings of masters and saints only express part of the whole. It is not possible for anyone to speak of such things in their entirety - just head for the light and heat, learn from the gods, and through the virtue of devoted practice become one with the divine. Seek enlightenment along this edge.

- from the memoirs...

Do not fail
To learn from
The pure voice of an
Ever-flowing mountain stream
Splashing over the rocks.

Study the teachings of the pine tree, the bamboo, and the plum blossom. The pine is evergreen, firmly rooted, and venerable. The bamboo is strong, resilient, unbreakable. The plum blossom is hardy, fragrant, and elegant.

Ultimately, you must forget about technique. The further you progress, the fewer teachings there are. The Great Path is really No Path.

Even though our path is completely different from the warrior arts of the past, it is not necessary to abandon totally the old ways. Absorb venerable traditions into this Art by clothing them with fresh garments, and build on the classic styles to create better forms.

One should be prepared to receive ninety-nine percent of an enemy's attack and stare death right in the face in order to illumine the Path.

The universe is our greatest teacher, our greatest friend.
It is always teaching us the Art of Peace.
Study how water flows in a valley stream,
smoothly and freely between the rocks.
Everything—mountains, rivers, plants, and trees—should be your teacher.